Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Management Of Maxillary Second Molar With Two Palatal Roots: A Case Report

Dr. Janeesha. C, Prof Priyadarshini Hegde, Prof Mithra N Hegde, Dr Ganesh. T. Bhat

Abstract :

An awareness and understanding of the presence of an extra root as well as unusual variations in root canal morphology is essential as it determines the success of the endodontic treatment. Aberrations in root canal anatomy and morphology are commonly occurring phenomena. A thorough knowledge of basic root canal anatomy and its variations is required for successful completion of endodontic treatment. This case report presents diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment of a maxillary left second molar with two palatal roots.

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Dr. JANEESHA. C, PROF PRIYADARSHINI HEGDE, PROF MITHRA N HEGDE, DR GANESH.T. BHAT Management Of Maxillary Second Molar With Two Palatal Roots: A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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