Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Management of infrabony defect using GTR membrane and bone graft substitute: CASE REPORT.

Dr Anvitha . D, Dr Heena Naz Kaouser, Dr Shwetha . M, Dr R. Vijayalakshmi

Abstract :

 Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of a resorbable memane with a bone graft substitute in the management of an infrabony defect in a mandibular left first premolar in a patient with chronic generalized gingivitis with localized periodontitis. Methodology: An infrabony defect of 3 mm around the mandibular left first premolar was evident after deidement. The defect was filled up with a bone graft substitute (DMBM, OsseograftTM) and covered with a resorbable GTR memane (HealiguideTM). Results: The site showed significant bone fill at the end of 9 months with reduction in probing depth. Conclusion: In this case, excellent results in terms of probing depth reduction and bone fill were obtained.

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Dr Anvitha .D, Dr Heena Naz Kaouser, Dr Shwetha .M, Dr R.Vijayalakshmi Management of infrabony defect using GTR membrane and bone graft substitute: CASE REPORT. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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