Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Management of Facial nerve Paralysis due to Chronic Otitis Media: A Case Report

Mohanty D. , Vittal Prasad P, Das C. P. , Chakradhar M.

Abstract :

A 45-year-old female presented with bilateral chronic suppurative otitis media since 1 year and right facial paralysis (House-Brackmann grade IV) since 4 days. Examination showed a conductive heå loss and CT scan showed soft tissue opacity in the right middle ear cavity with probable erosion of the tympanic segment of fallopian canal. Modified radical mastoidectomy (canal wall down type) with complete removal of granulation tissue from the middle ear, anterior and posterior epitympanum, aditus and mastoid antrum was performed. There was no evidence of cholesteatoma. The patient had high surgical gain and a marked improvement in facial nerve function (House Grade I) one month postoperatively was seen. The present case highlights the need of early surgery for decompression of facial nerve to prevent irreversible damage.

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Mohanty D., Vittal Prasad P, Das C.P. , Chakradhar M. Management of Facial nerve Paralysis due to Chronic Otitis Media: A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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