Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Liver function abnormality & Vestibular symptoms with Azithromycin

Dr. Parveen Kumar Sharma, Dr. Rekha Bansal

Abstract :

Summary: 38 years old female patient having sore throat, malaise feverishness and congestion of posterior pharyngeal wall took azithromycin (zithrox; mcLeods) 500mg once daily for three days and started having early morning nausea and aversion for food and water, which progressed to become intractable within 10 days with complete aversion for food and water. Liver function tests were found deranged and USG abdomen revealed evidence of fluid around gall bladder and dilatation of biliary radicles. Patient gradually improved. after 8 months patient again had sore throat with fever and again took azithromycin (zithromycin; mcLeods) 500mg once daily orally for 3 days. again patient started having early morning nausea and aversion for food and water which again progressed within 10 days to become intractable with severe weakness and malaise. This time LFTs revealed isolated rise in alkaline phosphatase.

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Dr. Parveen Kumar Sharma, Dr. Rekha Bansal Liver function abnormality & Vestibular symptoms with Azithromycin Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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