Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Literature Review of

Minaxi L. Patel, Prof. Sanjay R. Vyas

Abstract :

This paper addresses the detailed review of research works on the solution of power sag problems on distribution networks and have been summarized with aspect to DVR technology and its different controllers. The DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer) is a power custom device that provides three–phase controllable voltage source whose voltage vector adds to the source voltage during sag event, to restore the load voltage to pre–sag conditions.The DVR is a commercially available, popular device to eliminate voltage sags and swells in the distribution lines.It’s basic function is to inject the voltage difference ( difference between the pre–sag and sag voltage ) to the power line and maintains the presage voltage condition in the load side. The different topologies can be used to provide the dc supply to DVR. Different control strategies are available depending on the compensation technique used for compensation.An adequate modeling, analysis and simulation of DVR using MATLAB, A PI controller and discrete PWM pulse generator was used in this model. Extensive simulation results are included to illustrate the operating principles of a DVR.

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MINAXI L. PATEL, Prof. SANJAY R. VYAS Literature Review of “Modelling And Simulation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer For Power System Distribution Networks" Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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