Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Lipomaof the Ring Finger– A Case Report

Dr. Pushkararundeshpande

Abstract :

Introduction Lipoma, the ubiquitous tumor, is uncommon in the hand and rarest in the finger. There are few reports on Lipoma found in the index finger, even fewer on Lipoma of the long finger and no report on subcutaneousLipoma of the ring finger. We report a case of a thyroid shaped subcutaneousLipoma of the ring finger of the dominant hand, the only case reported in World literature. Case presentation A 35–year–old Indian lady presented with a Lipoma of the right ring finger. Except for the presence of a swelling she had no complaints at rest or while working. Treatment was surgical excision of the Lipoma. There has been no recurrence for two years. Conclusion Lipoma of the fingers are rare entities. More often, than not, in the fingers, Lipoma do not cause any compression symptoms. Theirawareness is imperative in the differential diagnosis from other soft tissue tumors

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Dr. PushkarArunDeshpande Lipomaof the Ring Finger- A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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