Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Linking Population Growth with Environment

V. Saritha, Nv Srikanth Vuppala

Abstract :

Human demographic dynamics, such as the size, growth, distribution, age composition, and migration of populations, are among the many factors that can lead to environmental change. This study explores population, health, and environment connections, identifying our accomplishments, current challenges, and priorities. Data were collected from a household survey of 400 married men and women. The results indicate that the present generations which are educated practice well planned family planning among other respondents. The most striking result observed was there is a decrease in no. of off springs from the past three generations. The key factors that are affecting the family planning in rural areas were identified as lack of awareness, lack of facilities, belief of family, orthodox nature of elders in family etc. It is also concluded that environmental problems are no longer viewed as just a threat to quality of life but are considered a fundamental threat to human welfare.

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V. Saritha, NV Srikanth Vuppala Linking Population Growth with Environment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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