Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Life Tables And Intrinsic Rate of Increase in Mango Leaf Webber Orthaga Euadrusalis Walker (Pyralidae : Lepidoptera)

T. V. Sathe

Abstract :

Orthaga euadrusalis Walker (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) is leaf webber of mango Margifera indica. It is most active from August to December. However, it found on the crop throughout the year and completes many overlapping generations. Duration of immature stages under laboratory conditions (24±1oC, 70-75% RH & 12 hr photoperiod) was 46 days. Its longevity and oviposition days averaged 4.21 and 3.60 days respectively. Intrinsic rate of increase was 0.09, maximum progeny production \'mx\' (30.6) was on 2nd day, first mortality in female was observed on 4th day. Its population multiply 69.6 times in mean generation time \'T\' of 47.14 days.

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T. V. Sathe Life Tables And Intrinsic Rate of Increase in Mango Leaf Webber Orthaga Euadrusalis Walker (Pyralidae : Lepidoptera) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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