Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Life Skill Education: A missing component in Teacher Education Programmes in India

B. Razia

Abstract :

 Life skills are the abilities that help to promote psychosocial competence and general well being of individuals. To enhance the efficiency of Prospective pre–service teachers and to convert them into individuals with high potential, teacher education programme should be reformed giving due importance to life skill education. Imparting Life skills can empower prospective teachers to take positive action, promote healthy and positive social relationships. It also entails being able to establish productive interpersonal relationships. The Teacher education curriculum should encompass Life skill Education to impart diversity of skills among prospective teachers thereby to build an open and flexible mind, not only to adapt to diverse classroom situations but also to develop life skills of their students in real teaching situations. Pre–service teachers should be given training in real life activities through simulation, ainstorming, situation analysis, role playing, games and many more such interactive and participatory techniques to transact Life Skill Education. Life Skill Education as a fully fledged subject is necessary to enhance the efficiency and wellbeing of prospective teachers.

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B. Razia Life Skill Education: A missing component in Teacher Education Programmes in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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