Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Library Automation in Order to Design Libraries for the Needs of Future Users

Dr. P. Giri Naidu

Abstract :

 This paper explains that ‘Liary Automation in Order to Design Liaries for the Needs of Future Users’.  The Integrity of Digitized Information Content The notion of ‘content‘ as text is familiar to all information users and information professionals. But it also necessarily includes material submerged in the text, such as page numbers, chapter headings and footers. The content of images and sound is more problematical because less inherently understood. Colour is an element, as is shape and form in the case of images, while tonality can be significant for sound. High resolution during scanning is essential for rich colour register; this means a larger file size and more expensive storage, as well as slower transmission across a network. Liary Systems In this fast changing world information technology and information management are going to play an important role. Information has already been recognised as one of the basic resources for the socio–economic development of a country. Information has now rather acquired the status of the most sought after resource of the resources. The newly emerging ‘high tech‘ disciplines such as computers, tele­communications, biotechnology, etc... are given importance because they store, generate, manipulate, communicate information. Document Imaging Process Space is not the only concern. How do you protect these documents? They are vulnerable to fire, flood, insects or mice, or even simply the effects of time. They are also vulnerable to theft, or to being seen by unauthorized eyes. The more documents you have, the more difficult it is to keep them safe

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Dr. P. Giri Naidu, Library Automation in Order to Design Libraries for the Needs of Future Users, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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