Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Length–weight Relationship and Condition Factor of an Endemic Ornamental Cat Fish, Gagata dolichonema He, 1996 Manipur

Konsam Nishikanta, Yurembam Motilan

Abstract :

 The Length Weight Relatioship (LWR) and Condition Factors of Gagata dolichonima He was studied. During the study, the obsreved values are: a= 0.0487 and n= 2.3550 respectively. The relationship  was established as follows: W= 0.0487L2.3550. The value of K was almost constant in all specimens, ranging from  0.7520−0.9113, except for one specimen in which the value of K was 1.2636 (in 90.5 mm TL). Since the value is lesser  than 3, it can be concluded that the relationship deviates from the cube law.

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Konsam Nishikanta, Yurembam Motilan Lengthâ�‚�“weight Relationship and Condition Factor of an Endemic Ornamental Cat Fish, Gagata dolichonema He, 1996 Manipur Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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