Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Length Frequency Studies in Gobius biocellatus

Jaiswal N. R.

Abstract :

The age and rate of growth of a fish is extremely useful knowledge for the development and scientific management of a fishery. It is essential to know amongst other things the size or age composition of the fish stock from season to season and from the year to year. In the present investigation length frequency method has been used to understand the rate of growth of G. biocellatus from river Kayadhu near Hingoli. Total 615 specimens was collected for the study The fish attains average length of about 120 to 129 mm and 180 to 189 mm in total length at the age of first and second year respectively. The growth in the first year is fast i.e., 10.41 mm per month and slows in the second year i.e., 5 mm per month.

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Jaiswal N.R. Length Frequency Studies in Gobius biocellatus Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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