Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Learning Styles of Senior Secondary Students in Relation to Their Home Climate

Dr. Sunita Badola

Abstract :

The researchers on learning styles have disclosed this fact that adoption of matching teaching strategies to individuals learning styles not only maximizes learners academic performance, enhances his motivation, increases his selfconfidence, helps him/her in development of positive attitude towards learning but makes learning a fun or joyful activity. In view of this, an attempt has been made to investigate the effect of Home Climate and its important influence on learning styles. | To investigate the effect of home climate on learning styles of Government and Public School Senior Secondary 256 students were taken. To collect the data regarding learning styles scale was developed by Dr. B. P. Verma and Home Climate scale was developed by Dr. Beena Shah. The results show significant difference between Government and Public School Senior Secondary Students Learning styles and overall learning styles. Hence, Home Climate of Government and Public School students is an influencing and significant contributing factor in differentiating the Learning Styles of Senior Secondary Students. |

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Dr. Sunita Badola Learning Styles of Senior Secondary Students in Relation to Their Home Climate Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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