Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017

laparoscopic management of a misplaced intra uterine device in sigmoid mesentery.

Dr. Yesha Choxi, Dr. Ajesh Desai, Dr. Swati Patel

Abstract :

 Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) migration subsequent to uterine wall perforation is an uncommon but serious complication. We,here by, reporting a case of misplaced IUCD inserted 6 week postpartum in a post LSCS patient, followed by its successful and prompt laparoscopic management.  

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Dr. Yesha choxi, Dr.Ajesh desai, Dr.Swati patel, laparoscopic management of a misplaced intra uterine device in sigmoid mesentery., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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