Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Land Use Pattern and Crop Combination Region in Satara District : A Geographical Study

Dr. Rathod S. B. , Mane Deshmukh R. S.

Abstract :

Agriculture occupies an important status in Indian economy. It provides food, fodder and raw material and thus contributes to overall economic growth. Maharashtra is a leading state in agriculture, where varieties of crops are grown. In this paper attempt has been made to analyse the land use and cropping pattern of Maharashtra. The region having 10492 sq.km. area comprises 11 tahsils of Satara district. This study is based on secondary data collected from socio–economic abstract Satara district. An endeavour is made here to study the crop combination regions in Satara district for the year 2011–2012. The crop data has been computed with the help of Doi’s technique of crop combination. Physiography, rainfall, soil and drainage influence impact on agricultural landuse pattern in district. Fourty one crops of have been considered for crop combination analysis. Among these cereals, cash crops, oil seeds, vegetable crops, fruit crops, fodder crops, flowers and Pulses are major crops. Crop combination in Satara district has indentified four crop combination. Such type of study represents real situation of cropping pattern in Satara district and helps to planners and agricultural scientist for agricultural planning and tahsil level.  

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Dr. Rathod S. B., Mane-Deshmukh R. S. Land Use Pattern and Crop Combination Region in Satara District : A Geographical Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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