Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016


Dr. C. Kumaran, Dr. P. Asokan

Abstract :

  Employee is one of the key assets of an organization and today’s “employee” is treated more than an “employee”. So employee welfare directly promotes healthy industrial relations. This article is an attempt to analyze the contribution of labour measures towards good industrial relations. Labour comprises all human efforts of body and mind, which are exchanged for a consideration of cash of kind or both. “Welfare” is a oad concept, referring to a condition of living of an individual or group, in a desirable and happy state of relationship with the whole environment–ecological, economical and social. We are in the track of changing face due to various factors such as liberalization, privatization, globalization and also the recent global economic recession. So every organization is expected to meet the challenges by reshaping their employee welfare measures.

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Dr.C.KUMARAN, Dr.P.ASOKAN LABOUR WELFARE AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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