Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016


Dr. Sachin N. Patil, Dr. Chetan D. Kulkarni

Abstract :

 Kshara Sutra therapy is a minimal invasive Ayurvedic Parasurgical procedure and time–tested Ayurvedic technique in the management of Anorectal disorders. It is a safe, sure and cost effective method of treatment for fistula–in–ano, haemorrhoids and other sinus diseases. Though the therapy has been described in Ayurveda by Sushruta, Charak and Vagbhata. This technique is being practiced widely in our country and in some other countries.

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Dr. Sachin N. Patil, Dr. Chetan D. Kulkarni KSHAR–SUTRA: A MAGIC REMEDY Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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