Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Knowledge Regarding Tattooing and Body Piercing Among the Users at Thamel–29, Kathmandu

Alaka Bhurtel, Mr. Basavaraj Mudhol

Abstract :

Tattoos and body piercing have become an acceptable form of body decoration among every age group and social classes.A descriptive research design was used to find out the knowledge regarding tattooing and body piercing. Atotal of 50 respondents having both the body tattooed and piercedpresent in Thamel–29, Kathmandu were selected using non– probability purposive sampling technique. A semi structured interview schedule was used to collect the data and was analyzed by using SPSS.The findings revealed that the respondents were adolescents and young adults among whom the majority (48%)had high knowledge, least (18%) had average knowledge and one third (34%)had low knowledge regarding Tattooing and Body Piercing.Statistically, there was significant association between the occupation and participation of the respondents in programs related to tattooing and body piercing with their knowledge score.Therefore, a need for adequate information on health risks associated with such practices should be targeted as adolescents and young adults health education program.

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Alaka Bhurtel, Mr. Basavaraj Mudhol Knowledge Regarding Tattooing and Body Piercing Among the Users at Thamel-29, Kathmandu Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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