Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2019

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Mosquito Borne Diseases in Etawah City

Nupur Gupta, Sandip Kumar, Kirti Jaiswal, Dhiraj Kumar Srivastava, Pankaj Kumar Jain, Pradip Kharya

Abstract :

Introduction: Mosquito–borne diseases constitute an important cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in India. Assessment of knowledge and practices of community about prevention of mosquito borne diseases is important for designing community–based interventions. Objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices on Mosquito Borne Diseases in Etawah city. Methods: It is a community based cross sectional study on adults in Etawah city. A total of 100 households were selected by systematic random sampling. Data was collected using pre–tested, pre–designed, semi–structured questionnaire regarding socio–demographic profile, knowledge about mosquito borne diseases, eeding sites of mosquitoes and usage or non–usage of preventive measures and supplemented by spot survey by the investigator in the community. Results: A total of 100 households were interviewed during the study. Among respondents 40% were females. Hindu households constituted 83% of the total. Majority 63% of the respondents belong to other backward class category. 31% of respondents were housewives. When asked about eeding places of mosquitoes, majority (75%) felt stagnant water is the most common, followed by garbage (68%), coolers (33%), ponds & pools (18%) and artificial collection of water (9%). Nearly 2% did not have any idea on eeding places. They listed mosquito coils/liquid vaporisers usage (59%), mosquito mats(18%), using bed nets (63%), use of repellents (15%), fans (35%), covering with blanket/bedsheets (8%), screening windows and doors (15%), applying smoke (4%)while 1% do not take any measures. Conclusion: There is a need to conduct awareness programs regarding the diseases spread by mosquitoes and other vectors in the community

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KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICES ON MOSQUITO BORNE DISEASES IN ETAWAH CITY, Nupur Gupta, Sandip Kumar, Kirti Jaiswal, Dhiraj kumar Srivastava, Pankaj kumar Jain, Pradip Kharya INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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