Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Knowledge,Attidude and Practice regarding Biomedical Waste among Health workers of block Hazratbal, Srinagar

Dr Yangchen Dolma, Dr Rinchen Angmo

Abstract :

 The present study was conducted with the objective to assess awareness,attitude and practice regarding Biomedical waste among health workers of block Hazratbal of District Srinagar.A cross sectional study was conducted for a period of 2 months from July to August 2013. A pre designed semi structured questionnaire was self administered to all the health workers who were willing to participate in the study.Majority had heard about biomedical waste management but only 34.5% were able to define biomedical waste.No one had idea about the legislation pertaining to waste management.58.1% had no idea about composition of biomedical waste. 64% Knew about segregation of waste at source. Correct no of colour coded bags was known to 41.8% of health workers.74.5 % felt use of personal protective measures,administration of vaccination and following waste management guideline as preventive measures against health hazards imposed by waste.20% gave correct response about waste category.18.2 % were not aware of the diseases associated with biomedical waste mismanagement.47.3% knew about various method for waste disposal.segregation at source and correct method for disposing sharps was practised by 78% and 76% workers respectively.However,lack of practice for using personal protective measures,mutilation and shredding and use of disinfectant was found.No report of injury had ever been done and only 3% of the subjects received training on Biomedical waste management.Training of the health workers about the latest guidelines from time to time, implementation as per the guidelines and strict monitoring of the workers and workplace is needed.

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Dr Yangchen Dolma, Dr Rinchen Angmo Knowledge,Attidude and Practice regarding Biomedical Waste among Health workers of block Hazratbal, Srinagar Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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