Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Knowledge and Beliefs of Teachers Towards Brain Based Learning

Jayalakshmi Ramakrishnan, Dr. R. Annakodi

Abstract :

This study investigates the knowledge and beliefs of teachers towards the new discipline Brain based learning. 50 teachers participated in the study. Data were gathered using Brain–Based Learning Survey Questionnaire (BBLSQ). The instrument used in this study is an adopted version of the Brain–Based Learning Survey Questionnaire (BBLSQ), originally developed by Shelly Klinek (2009). The conclusions drawn from this study provide a positive view on teachers knowledge and beliefs towards ain–based learning. There is significant difference in teachers knowledge and beliefs towards ain–based learning based on gender and years of teaching experience. There is no significant difference in teachers knowledge and beliefs towards ain–based learning on the basis of type of school.

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Jayalakshmi Ramakrishnan, Dr.R.Annakodi / Knowledge and Beliefs of Teachers Towards Brain Based Learning / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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