Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2019

Kinetics of Phenol Biodegradation in AF2B Reactors

Prayitno, Eko Naryono, Sri Rulianah, Hardjono

Abstract :

Several models of biodegradation kinetics of phenol in wastewater have been developed, but for this study the biodegradation kinetics of phenol were solved using the Gear’s and Orthogonal Kollocation methods. The experiment was carried out using an Aerated Fixed Film Biofilter (AF2B) reactor containing a bacterial consortium. The reactor operates in batches to determine the parameters of the phenol biodegradation kinetic. Furthermore, the kinetics model is simulated in an AF2B reactor that operates continuously. The experimental results show that the phenol biodegradation kinetics model follows the first order reaction kinetics with kinetic parameters as follows: b = 0.12 day–1; µmax = 2.78 day–1; Ks = 1.85 mg phenol L–1; Ki = 94.3 mg phenol L–1. The simulation results show that the phenol removal efficiency is 98%, where in the steady conditions phenol concentration of the simulation results is lower than the experimental

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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KINETICS OF PHENOL BIODEGRADATION IN AF2B REACTORS, Prayitno, Eko Naryono, Sri Rulianah, Hardjono INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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