Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Kinetic Gait Analysis of Dogs Submitted to Bilateral Perineal Hernia Repair Using Semitendinosus Muscle Transposition

Procassia Maria Lacerda Barbosa, Alexandre Navarro Alves Souza, Angelo Jo O Stopiglia, Julia Maria Matera, Denise Tabacchi Fantoni

Abstract :

Perineal hernias have high postoperativecomplication and recurrence rates. Several surgical procedures have been described for perineal hernia correction, among which semitendinosus muscle transposition (SMT). This study was designed to evaluate weight beå duringlocomotion of dogs submitted to SMT for correction of bilateral perineal hernia.Eleven dogs were submitted to pressure platform gait analysis prior to and 30, 60 and 90 days after surgery; vertical force was measured in operated and contralateral limbs. Interlimb (longitudinal) and intralimb comparisons of mean peak vertical force (PVF), vertical impulse (VI) and stance phase duration (SP) were performed using repeated measures ANOVA and the paired T testrespectively (p < 0.05). Lack of significant differences in mean PVF, VI and SP between operated and contralateral limbs suggests SMT dos not affect locomotion in dogs.

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Procassia Maria Lacerda Barbosa, Alexandre Navarro Alves Souza, Angelo JoaoStopiglia,Julia Maria Matera,Denise TabacchiFantoni Kinetic Gait Analysis of Dogs Submitted to Bilateral Perineal Hernia Repair Using Semitendinosus Muscle Transposition Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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