Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

Kikuchi‘s disease in a young female atypical picture.

Dr Priyatham Kamath, Dr Rakesh Rai A, Dr Ramprakash A Kalgujjikar, Dr Ajay Kumar A V

Abstract :

 Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease is an uncommon disorder with worldwide distribution, characterized by fever and benign enlargement of the lymph nodes, primarily affecting young adults.[1]Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease is a form of necrotizing lymphadenitis. Although the disease usually affects young women aged less than 30 years, it may also affect men with a wide range of age. Clinically generalized lymphadenopathy in the head and neck region may present. Lymph node specimens show areas of necrosis without neutrophilic infiltration.[2]

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Dr Priyatham Kamath, Dr Rakesh Rai A, Dr Ramprakash A Kalgujjikar, Dr Ajay Kumar A V Kikuchi's disease in a young female � atypical picture. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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