Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Key Influencing Factors for the Consumer Participation in the Incentive–based Demand Response Programs

Rajeev Alasseri, Dr. T. Joji Rao, Dr. Sreekanth K. J.

Abstract :

 Incentive–based demand response program (IBDRP) is one of the most widely accepted methods of demand response (DR) used to achieve the growing peak load demand in the electricity sector. With the introduction of modern technologies related to DR/IBDRP, peak load management has been made easier than before and, hence gaining reliability among the electricity market. Though different ways of incentives are being offered to consumers, financial incentives towards the reduction in the power consumption attract more consumers for enrolling themselves into the programs. This paper examines some of the major factors influencing the participation of consumers in participating in IBDRP, along with the key factors in the perspective of implementers. From the referred literature, formulating an indisputable and flawless customer baseline is identified as the major factor determining the incentives offered to the participants. Miscalculation of it may end up with monetary losses to either electricity provider or the participant. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Rajeev Alasseri, Dr. T. Joji Rao, Dr. Sreekanth K.J., Key Influencing Factors for the Consumer Participation in the Incentive–based Demand Response Programs, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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