Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Kangaroo mother care diminishes pain from heel lance in preterm neonates: A crossover trial

Dr. S. Valliammal, Dr. Ramachandra, Mr. Raja Sudhakar

Abstract :

Kangaroo mother care (KMC) has been shown to be effective in diminishing pain response to heel lance in full term neonates. The purpose of this study was to determine if KMC would also be efficacious in preterm neonates, as they may not have the endogenous mechanisms that could be evoked to decrease pain compared to full term neonates. Preterm neonates (n = 31) between 35 and 37weeks gestational age in the preterm NICU in Child Trust Hospital, Chennai comprised the sample. A randomized crossover design was employed. In the experimental condition, the infants were held in KMC for 15 minutes prior to and throughout heel lance procedure. In the control condition, the infants were in prone position swaddled in a blanket in the incubator. The primary outcome was the Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP), which comprised three facial actions (ow bulge, eye squeeze & nasolabial furrow), maximum heart rate, and minimum oxygen saturation levels from baseline in 30–seconds blocks from heel lance. The secondary outcome was time to recover, defined as heart rate return to baseline. Continuous heart rate and oxygen saturation monitoring were recorded with event markers during the procedure and were subsequently analyzed. Frequency, percentage, standard deviation, ANOVA and paired t–test were employed to generate results. The findings showed no significant differences in gestational age, weight and previous exposure to invasive procedure between the kangaroo mother care and incubator care (conditions). The mean scores of pain perception were higher in the incubator care condition than in the kangaroo mother care condition. The interpretation was that the preterm neonates in the incubator care experienced increased level of pain. There was also significant difference in PIPP Scores between kangaroo mother care and incubator care condition on the dimensions of behavioural state, facial actions, heart rate maximum and oxygen saturation minimum with time duration at p < .0001 favoring KMC condition. It could be concluded that Preterm neonates appear to have endogenous mechanisms elicited through skin–to–skin maternal contact that decreases pain response, but not as powerfully as in full term neonates. The shorter recovery time in KMC is clinically important in helping to maintain homeostasis.

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Dr.S.Valliammal, Dr. Ramachandra, Mr. Raja Sudhakar Kangaroo mother care diminishes pain from heel lance in preterm neonates:A crossover trial Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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