Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Juvenile Justice: The Amendment

Utkarsh Kumar

Abstract :

 This article evaluates the existing legal system in trying juvenile offenders and the new bill suggesting that juvenile boards will have the power to decide if 16 to 18 year olds in rape and murder cases should be tried as children or as adults. Flaws in both–the existing and the upcoming procedure–have been identified and analyzed with the help of a few recent cases in the country. The information used was taken up by various articles available online and the newspapers. Keeping in mind not only the principles of natural justice but also the legislative intent of the JJ Act i.e. reformation of juveniles, the article suggests having a set of offences comprising of heinous crimes to determine whether an offender be tried under the IPC or the JJ Act instead of having an age limit. Yet still, appropriate ways of reformation of a juvenile offender should be included in the course taken.

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Utkarsh Kumar / Juvenile Justice: The Amendment / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 11 November 2015

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