Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

Judicial Dissolution of Marriage – A Study

Mary M. J, Dr. Shivappa. R.

Abstract :

Families today are being challenged with numerous changes and problems. Without a doubt, divorce rates are high today. These high divorce rates may be used to support the conclusion that marriages may be worse off today than at any point in their history. It is possible that divorce is more common today because distressed married couples have access to better alternatives than they did in the past, and because the costs of terminating a distressed marriage are fewer today. This article has been prepared based on the descriptive/diagnostic study which investigates the Judicial Dissolution of Marriage i.e. Divorce. The researches aimed at finding the causes for the divorce, the psychological condition of the respondents, study the post divorce life of the respondents and suggest social work intervention for better adjustment of couples & divorced persons. The sample size consisted of 250 divorcees from five taluks using Stratified Random Sampling method. The result shows that there is a greater need for marital and familial counseling, which should include Sociologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, doctors and religious leaders. Courts as well as other agencies must make better and greater efforts for reconciliation. In other words, holistic approach is needed both by the government and society

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Mary M.J, Dr.Shivappa.R. Judicial Dissolution of Marriage - A Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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