Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Job Satisfaction of B.Ed. Teacher Educators

Dr. K. S. Dedun

Abstract :

Job satisfaction is a must on the part of every profession, especially among the teaching profession. As generally known that "Teachers are anded as builders of nation, where as teacher educators, who educate these teachers have much more importance for their role to play". If teacher educators not are satisfied in their job, they cannot teach effectively and will not be able to give proper training to the individuals, who are to be prepared professionally for teaching profession. Dissatisfied teacher educators become a nuclear of problems in the whole system of education, unless the teacher educators are helped to derive satisfaction in their jobs, the work they do will not be effective both from the point of view of their own personal growth and professional contribution in terms of future preparation of teachers. Understanding the job satisfaction is undoubtedly a vital phenomenon for B.Ed. college as it is for any other organization. Therefore, it becomes very much necessary to study the level of job satisfaction among B.Ed. teacher educators in relation to their personality factors and other personal demographic variables.

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Dr. K.S. Dedun Job Satisfaction of B.Ed. Teacher Educators Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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