Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work Life: Impact on Industrial Relations in Textile Units in Kannur District, Kerala

Rajesh S, Dr. Manoj P K

Abstract :

Industrial relations play an important role in establishment of industrial peace, industrial discipline and industrial democracy. Good industrial relations not only maintain a cordial atmosphere in the industry but also facilitate production and industrial growth. Good human relations in any industry play almost a decisive role in this respect. Organizations are required to adopt a strategy to improve the employees Quality of Work Life (QWL) to satisfy both the organizational objectives and employee needs. The degree of job satisfaction plays pivotal role for cordial industrial relations system in any organization or industry. It is one of the prime factors affecting industrial growth which leads to the growth of any economy. This paper studies the effect of job satisfaction with respect to quality of work life variables based on models and past research with a focus on textile industry in Kannur district of Kerala State. The variables of quality of work life studied include compensation, encouragement of human relations and competency development, working condition, workers participation in management decision, grievance and occupational stress. The article concludes that high degree of association between job satisfaction and certain quality of work life constructs. Recommendations to improve quality of work life constructs for future research from the perspective of textile industry are discussed.

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Rajesh S, Dr. Manoj P K / Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work Life: Impact on Industrial Relations in Textile Units in Kannur District, Kerala / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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