Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Job Satisfaction Among Librarians – A Study in Coimbatore City

R. Maheshkumar, Dr. S. Jayaraman

Abstract :

The objective of this study is to examine those factors which are related in a high manner to job satisfaction among liarians. Data were collected from a sample of 100 respondents from Coimbatore city. The data analysis indicated that job satisfaction among liarian is not related to their sex, the type of liary in which they worked, or their vocational needs, but it is related to the characteristics of their job involvements. The supervisory climate and the essential characteristics of the job itself are the two most important determinants of job satisfaction. Interpretation of the data suggests that a supervisory climate which permits a liarian to exercise initiative and professional judgment in the performance of the job is conductive to job satisfaction. Liaries are the indispensable cornerstones of the society. The qualifications of the liary personnel are the fundamental determinant of the development and organization of the service. Rendering effective service in liaries depends on the human source. Job satisfaction of the liarians, who have an important place in the information society, will affect the quality of the service they render. In this respect, the question of how the material and moral elements affect the job satisfaction of the liarians gains importance.

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R. MAHESHKUMAR, Dr. S. JAYARAMAN Job Satisfaction Among Librarians – A Study in Coimbatore City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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