Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction – are They Synonymous?

Dr. Mehul G. Thakkar, Dr. Kiran Pandya

Abstract :

Several researches have supported the notion that employee who is satisfied with and involved in the job is likely to exhibit higher motivation and also feels a sense of pride in work. Considering this, Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction are the two primary work/job related attitudes in which organizations are showing increasing interest now–a–days. But, the problem of semantic seems to be prevailing in case of these two widely researched work attitudes also. Earlier empirical researches reveal varied and inconsistent results regarding the role and place occupied by job involvement in terms of its relationship with the other job attitude – job satisfaction. Even though, several researchers have tried to identify job involvement as a distinct work attitude, the problem of delineating job involvement from other seemingly similar work attitude namely job satisfaction, has still remained. The present Conceptual Paper, analyzing the plethora of available literature with a practical orientation, highlights the nature of job involvement and job satisfaction, the similarities and differences between them, and more importantly their interrelationship. It clearly explains that job involvement and job satisfaction are different constructs and should not be confused as if they are synonymous.

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Dr. Mehul G. Thakkar, Dr. Kiran Pandya Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction – are They Synonymous? Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VIII August 2013

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