Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Israel–Palestine Conflict–A Tale of Grave Human Violations & Innumerable Casualties

Mr. Manish Dalal, Mr. Arunkumar Singh

Abstract :

Israel – Palestine conflict is one of the most burning issues of modern times which poses a big threat to international peace & security. This conflict is an example of grave human rights violations & a large no. of human causalities’. The warring sides are the Israeli government on the one hand and a group named Hamas which is controlling Gaza Strip after winning the elections in 2006 on the other hand. Hamas is mostly viewed as a terrorist organization all over the world. Both Israel & Hamas do not recognize each others authority & ready to use violence to achieve their means. But to understand the reasons for this conflict one has to go back to history in the middle of 20th century where it all started.

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Mr.Manish Dalal, Mr.ArunKumar Singh Israel‾Palestine Conflict‾A Tale of Grave Human Violations & Innumerable Casualties Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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