Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Isolation Legumes Seed borne Fungi and their Effect in Seed Germination

J. K. Al Tarjuman, N. A. Ramadan

Abstract :

 255 fungal isolates were obtained and identified ,these isolates belong to different species as well as 89 yeast isolates from 15 samples of legume seeds, they were 96 isolates from seeds of  pea  (Pisum sativum L.) cultivar English produced in season(2010–2011) , and 93 isolates from seeds of cultivar Jof produced in season (2011–2012) and one isolate from lentil seeds (Lens culinaris) ,the fungus Aspergillus terrus was the most frequently in legume seeds with rate (19.18%) followed by  Aspergillus niger (18.31%) , A preliminary test of pathogenicity by cabbage seeds which included three separated experiments ,showed that all the 71 isolates caused a significant reduction in the rate of cabbage seeds germination  but only ten isolates were highly pathogenic ,the percentage of germination in their treatments were 0–15% compared to 97% in control treatments , the isolates of  Fusarium spp.  which include Fs–1,Fs–2 and Fs–4 gave the highest rate of decrease in seed germination (0%).Under greenhouse conditions the pathogenicity results indicated that the isolate Fs–1 caused the highest infection rate on Koҫbaşɪ cultivar of chickpea plants (66.6%) followed by Rhizctonia solani –15 (Rs–15) and Fs–4 (56.6%), while the infection rate was 0% in FLIPO9–143C cultivar of chickpea plants by the isolate Rs–5.

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J. K. AL–Tarjuman, N. A. Ramadan, Isolation Legumes Seed borne Fungi and their Effect in Seed Germination, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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