Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Isolation, Identification and Diversity of AMF Spores in Disturbed and Undisturbed Soils of Gwalior Region with Reference to Withania Somnifera

Muzamil Ahmad Sheikh, Bashir Ah. Bhat, Avinash Tiwari , Anjana Thakur

Abstract :

The study was conducted to isolate, identify the existing Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and their diversity in Withania somnifera growing in two different site during three seasons in Gwalior region. Isolation and the identification was done by using Schenck and Perez1990, manual Glomus (07) species and Acaulospora (04) species were found in abundance the number was high in Undisturbed site (11) as compared to Disturbed site (08). Diversity was carried out by following Simpson’s Diversity index. The index value of undisturbed site was (0.09) and of disturbed site was (0.14).

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Muzamil Ahmad Sheikh, Bashir Ah. Bhat, Avinash Tiwari , Anjana Thakur Isolation, Identification and Diversity of AMF Spores in Disturbed and Undisturbed Soils of Gwalior Region with Reference to Withania Somnifera. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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