Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013
Isolation and Preliminary Screening of Paddy Straw Degrading Thermphilic Fungi
Nidhi Sahni, Dr. Urmila Gupta Phutela
Abstract :
The present study was aimed at isolation, purification and screening of paddy straw degrading (lignocellulolytic) thermophilic fungi for enhancing digestibility. A total of 80 cultures were isolated from paddy straw, farm yard manure and soil. These isolated cultures then purified and screened qualitatively and quantitatively on agar plates. Remazol illiant blue (RBB) dye and guaiacol used as substrate to evaluate lignolytic activity in eighty isolated thermophilic fungi. A total of 68 fungi decolorized the RBB during the growth and only 19 fungi showed redness zone on guaiacol. Three isolates namely T10, T14 and T17 are the potential paddy straw degraders which can used for enhancing biogas production
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Nidhi Sahni, Dr. Urmila Gupta Phutela / Isolation and Preliminary Screening of Paddy Straw Degrading Thermphilic Fungi / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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Nidhi Sahni, Dr. Urmila Gupta Phutela / Isolation and Preliminary Screening of Paddy Straw Degrading Thermphilic Fungi / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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