Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Isolated Wind–Solar Hybrid Power System Analysis

Shrankhala Shrivastava, Mr. Tushar Kumar

Abstract :

 Electricity is a quantity, commodity that is required from charging a phone to running a factory. With the ever growing demand of electricity renewable energy resources such as wind energy have emerged as an efficient way of generating electricity. The self–excited induction generator (SEIG) is the best suited isolated generation system due to its simple and robust construction, reduced unit cost and easy maintenance.. Photo–voltaic power is also another promising energy source. Wind power and PV power are complimentary because strong winds are mostly to occur during night time and cloudy days whereas sunny days are often come with weak winds. Hence, Wind–Solar hyid generation system can offer higher reliability to maintain continuous power output than other individual power generation systems. The stand alone wind– solar hyid generation system is valuable to use. Therefore it is important to study the performance of standalone wind–solar hyid generation system under steadystate and dynamic conditions for the optimum utilization of its meritorious features. In this paper a simple and generalized fuzzy logic based intelligent controller is proposed, which is suitable for autonomous operation of solar energy conversion or for isolated hyid energy conversion.

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Shrankhala Shrivastava, Mr. Tushar Kumar Isolated Wind-Solar Hybrid Power System Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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