Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Is TSH Alone Can be A Treated as Diagnostic Marker for Thyroid Disorders

Rajesh Kumar Shrivastava, Mukeshmeena, Meenavarma, Rajesh Kumar Jha, Susmitkosta, Ravindra Kumar

Abstract :

The objective of the study was to examine thyroid dysfunction as a measurement of viability and the costeffectiveness of universal screening in Central India. It is a first study in the Central India to analyze the ordering pattern of thyroid related tests referred by clinicians to the Department of Medicine SAIMS, from March 2012 to July 2013. The thyroid function tests were analyzed for four different screening strategies. Thyroid stimulating hormone, T3, T4, FT4 and FT3 estimation was doneon automated immunoassay analyzer.The findings of this study sustain to theTSH measurement as the gold standard when do screening for thyroid disease, a normal sensitive TSH test alone is sufficient to rule out thyroid dysfunction in patients. It is possible that thyroid screen ing may present with transient abnormalities of no particular clinical significance, and would therefore be a cost effective practice

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Rajesh Kumar Shrivastava, Mukesh Meena, Meena Varma, Rajesh Kumar Jha, Susmit Kosta, Ravindra Kumar / Is TSH Alone Can be A Treated as Diagnostic Marker for Thyroid Disorders / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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