Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Is there a role of Image guided Renal biopsy in the management of T1 renal masses?

Nirmal Thampi John, Amit Deshpande

Abstract :

 The aim of our study was to compare the outcome of image guided biopsy (IMG) of renal masses ≤ 7cms with final histopathological diagnosis. All study patients underwent CT guided percutaneous biopsy followed by surgery for the renal mass. The pathological characteristic of the IGB and the histopathological specimen were compared, including Fuhrman’s grading. Out of 25 biopsies, 20 biopsies showed clear cell RCC, and corresponded with final histological outcome. However, of the 3 patients who were reported to have hyid oncocytic variant on IGB; 2 had oncocytoma and the third had chromophobe RCC. 2 samples were inadequate for interpretation. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV for the detection of malignancy by IGB were 92%, 100%, 10% and 33% respectively. The accuracy of the core biopsy was 100%; however the accuracy for the differentiation of Fuhrman grade was 76% only.

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Nirmal Thampi John, Amit Deshpande Is there a role of Image guided Renal biopsy in the management of T1 renal masses? Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 7 JULY 2016

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