Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Is Minicholecystectomy Obsolete?

Bhavinder Arora

Abstract :

Open cholecystectomy through a small incision is called mini cholecystectomy. Minimally invasive techniques in surgical treatment of gall bladder disease include laproscopic cholecystectomy and minicholecystectomy. Minicholecystectomy can be an alternative to laproscopic cholecystectomy in day surgery. Patients selected for day care surgery were assigned either group on random basis. Observations were regarding operative time, difficult gall bladder surgery, conversion to open cholecystectomy, bile spillage, drainage in operative field and postoperative hospital stay. It is concluded that mini cholecystectomy is a safe, even in patients with medical problems, less postoperative complications and cost effective as compared to lap choleystectomy in day care surgery.  

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Bhavinder Arora Is Minicholecystectomy Obsolete? Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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