Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2019

Is AB–NHPM Innovative and path–breaking?

S. A. Tabish

Abstract :

Good health is the foundation of any country’s human capital. The health of a nation can be raised by establishing massive rural health infrastructure, with human resources. A responsive and effective health system demands universal access and availability of good quality health care without financial burden, as well as the fair distribution of financial costs for the access and impartial distribution of the burden in rational care and capacity. The aim of ambitious Ayushman Bharat–National Health Protection Scheme (AB–NHPS) is to provide coverage of INR 500,00 per family annually, benefiting more than 10 crore poor families. The scheme will target poor, deprived rural families and identified occupational category of urban workers’ families, 8.03 crore in rural and 2.33 crore in urban areas, as per the latest Socio–economic Caste Census (SECC) data. The future healthcare is seen as a high–volume, low–margin venture, inching towards universal healthcare with an active role played by the government. Healthcare industry will now be a highly regulated accountable system. It will witness the next waves of disruptive metamorphosis. Organizations that do not adapt to this new philosophy will face closure. Focus is shifting from curative medicine to disease prevention, health promotion and wellness, and compounding growth of newer areas like digital health. Skill development and newer training modules with be required for providing quality care. Operational excellence will emerge as the buzz–word. Will NHPS ensure healthcare for all and wellness for all is a matter of time to see. Providing insurance covers alone will not improve the health system in the country. To build robust healthcare infrastructure in the rural areas (where people have easy access) is critical for the success of the mission. Promoting AB–NHPS should not be at the cost of providing Primary Care.

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