Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Investment Pattern and Biases in India: An Inter–temporal Analysis

Fakhrialsadat Rezvanifard

Abstract :

 The purpose of the study is to understand the economic structure in terms of the pattern of investment in the Indian economy. To pursue to the objective, inter–temporal analysis has been performed using sectoral and sub–sectoral investment patterns over the pre–reforms (1970–71 to 1990–91) and post–reforms periods (1991– 92 to 2010–11). The empirical results implied that there exists an increasing trend of investment in all sectors; especially investment in the industrial sector has grown at a substantial rate during the entire and post–reforms period. The services and agricultural sectors have been ranked at second and third places in terms of investment growth.

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Fakhrialsadat Rezvanifard Investment Pattern and Biases in India: An Inter–temporal Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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