Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Investment Avenues and Tax Implications for Small Investors

P. Menakadevi, Dr. V. Kumaravel

Abstract :

The paper examines various investment alternatives available for small investors. There are many investment opportunities available in India for small investors. There are also many areas which make perfect places for a sound investment. We can invest into various categories of investments viz., Equity, debt, bank deposits, post office deposits, mutual fund, insurance, public provident fund, company deposits, gold real estate, commodities and miscellaneous. If the investors look for short term investments then they can invest in post offices , government bonds, mutual funds. If they concentrate on long term investments, then public provident funds, life insurance, long term bank deposits are suitable investment options for small investors. The investors should compare the risks and expected return on various investment alternatives while taking investment decisions. The investors could seek advice from experts and consultants of various schemes while making investment decisions. This paper provides an overview about the tax benefits available for various investment alternatives and also recommends the various points to be considered while making an investment decision.

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P. Menakadevi, Dr. V. Kumaravel Investment Avenues and Tax Implications for Small Investors Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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