Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Investigation of Agar–based solid polymer electrolyte

S. Selvalakshmi, N. Vijaya, M. Premalatha, S. Monisha

Abstract :

Biopolymer – an environmentally friendly and harmless polymeric material continues to show good growth potential. Several factors such as soå oil prices, worldwide interest in renewable resources, growing concern regarding greenhouse gas emissions and a new emphasis on waste management have created renewed interest in biopolymers. Focusing on these interests, a new solid polymer electrolyte based on the biopolymer Agar–Agar doped with Ammonium thiocyanate was prepared in different compositions by solution casting technique. The chemical bondings of Agar and Agar–salt complexes were investigated from FTIR analysis. The samples were characterized by AC impedance spectroscopy and UV–Vis spectroscopy. The highest conductivity of 1.02×10–3 S cm–1 was obtained for the sample of composition 50 mol% of Agar:50 mol% of NH4 SCN at room temperature. The polymer samples exhibited Arrhenius behaviour and the activation energy of the highest conductivity sample was 0.237 eV. The UV–Vis spectra showed that band gap decreased on the addition of NH4 SCN salt to Agar.

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S.Selvalakshmi, N.Vijaya, M. Premalatha, S.Monisha Investigation of Agar-based solid polymer electrolyte Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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