Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Investigation of Achievement Motivation of Junior Hockey Players of India

Dr. Moradhvaj Singh

Abstract :

Introduction: Sports psychology is primarily interested in the analysis of behaviour of sportsmen. Researchers are afforded ample opportunity to observe, describe and explain the various psychological factors that influence diverse aspects of sports and physical activity. Objectives of the study: 1) to characterize the Achievement motivation of International and national junior Hockey players of India.2) to determine the significant difference of achievement motivation between Junior International and junior national Hockey Players.Material and Methods: 100 junior and 18 Senior International Hockey players were selected as a subject from India. The age of the subjects ranged “between” 16 to 19 years. All of them were either college/university students or working in some Public or Corporate Sector organizations like the Railways, Bank, Air India or students of same Hockey Academy of India etcAchievement motivation questionnaire was developed by M.L.Kamlesh. Descriptive and t–test was used to characterize and to determine the significant difference between junior and senior international Hockey players. Results: Junior International hockey players were having mean and S.D (25.75 ±4.85) in relation to sports achievement motivation and junior national hockey players were having (21.83±5.39) and result also show that cal. t value 2.89 was greater than tab. t value 1.19 at .05 level of significance. Conclusions: 1) Junior International hockey players were having greater sports achievement motivation (25.75) in comparison to junior national hockey players (21.83). 2) Significant difference was found between junior international and junior national hockey players in relation to sports achievement motivation.

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Dr. Moradhvaj Singh Investigation of Achievement Motivation of Junior Hockey Players of India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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