Volume : X, Issue : II, February - 2020

Intestinal Obstruction in Adults due to Congenital Intraperitoneal Bands

Kishor Jain, Sharvari Pujari, Vikram Rao, Ramkrishna Prabhu, Chetan V Kantharia

Abstract :

Background:Intestinal obstruction in adults, due to congenital intraperitoneal bands though rare are not uncommon. This article discusses the presentation, management of intestinal obstruction due to congenital bands in adults. It also looks into how these bands develop and why they lead to obstruction in adult phase. Methods:Records of patients presenting from Jan 2013 to October 2019 with intestinal obstructions due to congenital bands were identified and analyzed. Results:92 patients presenting with intestinal obstruction were identified, of which 8 (8.5%) were due to intraperitoneal congenital bands. Abdominal pain and vomiting were the predominant presenting clinical features. preoperatively. All the patients were subjected to surgery (6 Laparoscopic, and 2 open). There was no morbidity or mortality. Conclusion:Congenital intraperitoneal bands can cause obstruction in adults. Its confirmatory diagnosis preoperatively is difficult. Prompt intervention leads to a good outcome.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IN ADULTS DUE TO CONGENITAL INTRAPERITONEAL BANDS, Kishor Jain, Sharvari Pujari, Vikram Rao, Ramkrishna Prabhu, Chetan V Kantharia INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-2 | February-2020

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