Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Interpretation of Legislation and Need For Carrying Out Reforms in Judicial System

Prof Air Commodore Lk Verma

Abstract :

Our country has a very good constitution which gives complete guidelines to run the country . The constitution has three pillars namely legislature, judiciary and executive. All three are independent of each other and have distinct role to play . The Supreme Court of India is perhaps one of the most powerful courts in the world. It has the power to undo what parliament dose. However the court could not be developed into forums for delivering justice because there was the delay in final resolution of cases. The huge back log of cases in the courts of our country is almost like an inheritance passed on to future generation .The codes of civil and criminal procedure have remained unchanged ,putting procedure over substance and ignoring call for justice. The interpretation of law by the court varied from one court to other . Extremely long time is taking for final justice to be delivered . People are loosing faith because of the delays as it is said that “ justice delayed is justice denied “. Against this backdrop it is considered worth while to study the system , find out how the law is interpreted , what are the difficulties and find out the causes of the delay At the end give some suggestion to improve the system.

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Prof (Air Commodore) LK Verma Interpretation of Legislation and Need For Carrying Out Reforms in Judicial System Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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