Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Interferon Gamma in Egyptian children with LN by flow cytometery.

Mona S Gouida , Safaa A Derbala, Khaled S. Elazazy, Ibrahem H. Elsayed

Abstract :

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, immune–mediated disease in which T and B cells cause systemic tissue injury. SLE is characterized by the production of high levels of auto–antibodies against nuclear antigens, resulting, at least in part, from a dysregulated T lymphocyte response to autoantigens. Results:the expression of INF? levels in T lymphocytes cells ofblood samples obtained from LN group was significantly decreased as compared to healthy control (9.24± 3.6and 14.05± 4.36 respectively; P ≤0.01).In conclusion:the low expression of INF? in T lymphocyte cells of LN patients may be a good marker in prognosis and diagnosis of LN .

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Mona S Gouida ,Safaa A Derbala, Khaled S. Elazazy, Ibrahem H.ELsayed Interferon Gamma in Egyptian children with LN by Flow Cytometery Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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