Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Intellectual Property

S. Dinesh, Prof. Dr . Jayadev Pati

Abstract :

The term property is subject to diverse interpretations. Property, in the legal sense, is essentially a bundle of rights flowing from the concepts of ownership and possession. While most of them have material existence, the value of property depends on the knowledge of use associated with it. Legal regimes of Intellectual Property are based on various philosophical foundations and theories. Most of these theories are rooted in the realm of tangible property. Intellectual Property is in some ways fundamentally different from other forms of property. In this article enquire has been made to underline the basic features of property, the unique aspects of Intellectual Property, the Constitutional Aspects of Intellectual Property and philosophical foundations behind the protection of Intellectual Property

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S.DINESH, Prof. (Dr). Jayadev Pati Intellectual Property Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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