Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

Intangible dimension of the Kherai ritual site: an insight

Dr. Madhurima Goswami

Abstract :

This paper will ing into focus the spirit of the sites that take precedence over the substance. The particular case presents a dominant community of the Brahmaputra family , the Bodos who form one of the main bases of the present day population tracts in the North–east India. Though Bodos were originally naturalists , through the ages a number of Bodo population has emaced modern religions like Christianity, Buddhism , Hinduism and Islam. The celeation of Kherai , is an important annual festival of the Bodo community. Kherai recapitulates the major events in the life cycle of the Bodos . The overall structure of Kherai is symbolic , while its interior structure is dramatic. The two structures are integrated because they believed in dream time and their lives moved from ordinary to super–ordinary reality. Their imaginations, fantasies and the creative processes are dynamic ways of recollecting and tracing their histories for their identity

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Dr. Madhurima Goswami Intangible dimension of the Kherai ritual site: an insight Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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